星期四, 7月 12, 2012

「福音歌曲」Mark Schultz - Everything to Me

Mark Schultz牧師,是美國納許維爾知名的CCM歌手兼創作人。Mark出生沒多久就失去了父母,兩歲時被領養,獲得一個圓滿的家庭。在他的成長過程中,對音樂始終抱有極大的熱誠與夢想。Mark牧師在大學時期所研修的是行銷學,畢業後為了圓音樂夢,前往納許維奮鬥,在這段期間信主受洗,後來還成為了第一長老教會的青年牧師,負責牧養教會中的青年團契。在牧養青年的過程中,他獲得了許多靈感,把自己在生命中的體驗、和一些教友們的故事譜寫成歌曲,在聚會中演唱,獲得了熱烈的反應。從此Mark牧師便開始到處巡迴分享他的詩歌創作,在優美動人的歌聲中,潛移默化打動許多未信主的聽眾。

這首好歌,Everything to Me。

Everything to Me

I must have felt your tears
When they took me from your arms
I'm sure I must have heard you say goodbye
Lonely and afraid had you made a big mistake
Could an ocean even hold the tears you cried

But you had dreams for me
You wanted the best for me
And you made the only choice you could that night

You gave life to me
A brand new world to see
Like playing baseball in the yard with dad at night
Mom reading Goodnight Moon
And praying in my room
So if you worry if your choice was right
You gave me up but you gave everything to me

And if I saw you on the street
Would you know that it was me
And would your eyes be blue or green like mine
Would we share a warm embrace
Would you know me in your heart
Or would you smile and let me walk on by
Knowing you had dreams for me
You wanted the best for me
And I hope that you'd be proud of who I am

You gave life to me
A chance to find my dreams
And a chance to fall in love
You should have seen her shining face
On our wedding day
Oh is this the dream you had in mind
When you gave me up
You gave everything to me

And when I see you there
Watching from heaven's gates
Into your arms
I'm gonna run
And when you look in my eyes
You can see my whole life
See who I was
And who I've become
